Market Access, Economic Growth and Competitiveness

  • honour existing federal commitments to negotiate joint management of offshore resources with other jurisdictions;
  • pair economic performance, investor certainty and net benefits with environmental progress;
  • employ transparent and consistent decision-making criteria that balances consideration of direct project impacts;
  • include clear engagement requirements throughout all phases of the impact assessment process; and
  • adhere to rigorously managed timelines so that major projects stay on track and are not jeopardized due to unnecessary and costly delays.

It is critical that Provinces and Territories be meaningfully involved in the development of supporting regulations for the Impact Assessment Act to ensure that new regulations contribute to regulatory certainty while avoiding duplication or roadblocks to the responsible development of natural resources in Canada.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Jean-Francois Pelletier
Government of New Brunswick
(506) 451-5319