Council of the Federation Announces First-ever Recipients of Excellence in Water Stewardship Award


Recipients of the 2013 Council of the Federation Excellence in Water Stewardship Award

Alberta Urban Municipalities Association – Alberta
The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) is a dynamic and evolving association which represents and advocates the interests of all members to both the provincial and federal governments as well as other provincial and federal organizations. AUMA’s goal is to develop a strong partnership between all three levels of government through a shared vision with long term planning that would facilitate social and economic growth, a strategic and stable funding matrix for capital projects, vital emergency and social services as well as implementation and coordination in the delivery of these services to ensure the sustainability of the Alberta Advantage. The Association was presented with this award for their Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity (CEP) Plan.

Okanagan Water Stewardship Council – British Columbia
The Okanagan Water Stewardship Council was established in 2006 to draw upon local water expertise and improve long-term decision making in one of Canada’s most water- stressed regions. A national leader in collaborative water stewardship, the Council advises the Okanagan Basin Water Board – and through them, local and senior governments – to find solutions that work for all. With 26 volunteer members representing a wide range of interests, diversity is one of the Council’s major strengths. The Council’s vision is for clean and healthy water in sufficient abundance to support the Okanagan’s natural ecosystems, agricultural lands and high quality of life: now, and for future generations. Accurate, up-to-date water information, science, and traditional ecological knowledge are the foundation of resilient community and regional planning in a time of change.

Lake Winnipeg Foundation – Manitoba
In 2004, a group of citizens concerned about the health of Lake Winnipeg met to establish a foundation to “identify and support solutions that restore and protect the health of Lake Winnipeg and its watershed through research, public education, advocacy, stewardship and collaboration.” In eight years, the Foundation has grown from a group of ten concerned citizens to an influential and motivated grassroots environmental non-government organization with hundreds of members, a dedicated volunteer executive and a highly regarded science advisory council. They are committed to finding solutions, working collaboratively, ensuring honest and transparent activities and leading by example. The Lake Winnipeg Foundation is a leader in water stewardship not only in Manitoba, but throughout the Lake Winnipeg Watershed.

City of Moncton Automated Water Meter Reading Project – New Brunswick
The City of Moncton is committed to protecting and conserving their water supply along with reducing their water usage. They are proud to be the first in Canada to have completed a full installation of the Radio Frequency Fixed Network System consisting of meter transmission units in approximately 20,000 residential and 1,400 commercial, industrial and institutional users to monitor water usage and leakage. This system has had a significant impact in decreasing the amount of water that is consumed and that is lost through leaks and breaks. For example, using this system they analyzed data in a school district and results showed fluctuations in water consumption between schools. A number of plumbing issues were discovered and repairs resulted in reduced water wastage and lower bills.