Statistics Canada Statistics Canada produces statistics for Canada on its population, resources, economy, society and culture. In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are about 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life. |
The federal government has eliminated/limited funding for a number of surveys through Statistics Canada that PTs used to support policy-making in many areas (e.g., elimination of the Cultural Statistics Division, elimination of Physical Activity Limitation survey, and reduction to the frequency of annual surveys on cultural industries).
Over three years (2012-13 to 2014-15) the federal government projects to realize $60.5 million in saving at Statistics Canada. |
Premiers call on the federal government to avoid further unilateral changes to programs affecting provinces and territories, and particularly measures involving cutbacks in financial support, including offloading and downloading responsibilities.
Disaster Mitigation
Premiers discussed the frequency and severity of natural disasters in recent years and highlighted the impacts being experienced across the country. Premiers stressed the critical importance of continuing strong, reliable federal financial support through the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements. Premiers call on the federal government to broaden the definition of a “disaster event” to include multiple smaller events that have large, cumulative impacts and to acknowledge that urban flooding can occur outside natural floodplains, maintain its 90-10 cost-sharing agreements for disaster recovery; and support communities to rebuild to a higher, more resilient standard. Premiers called on the federal government to promptly reach an agreement with provinces and territories to strengthen the future National Disaster Mitigation Program in order to better support provinces, territories and Aboriginal communities to move ahead quickly with high-priority projects.
Premiers discussed the critical role that safe, adequate and affordable housing plays in the national economy and the overall well-being of Canadians. Social and affordable housing in Canada is among the most important social infrastructure in our communities. Premiers noted that decreases in federal social housing funding will create significant challenges for provinces and territories in supporting and maintaining affordable and social housing.
Premiers call on the federal government to reinvest in social housing, replacing the declining funds. Premiers emphasized the importance of strengthened long-term collaboration between provinces and territories and the federal government to effectively meet the housing needs of Canadians now and in the future.
Search and Rescue and Marine Safety Review
The federal government has a real and clear responsibility to protect Canadian citizens and provide them access to a reliable and responsive air and marine search and rescue system. Premiers restate their call for the federal government to commit to improve search and rescue response times, and conduct a thorough review of marine safety. Canada’s Premiers also asked the federal government to reconsider its decision to close Marine Rescue Sub-Centres and Marine Communications Traffic and Service Centres.