Gladys Pardy – Newfoundland and Labrador
Gladys Pardy enjoyed school and had dreams of being a social worker; however, at the age of sixteen she left school to help support her family financially. Last year, after working the same job for thirty-two years, Gladys returned to school to try to fulfill her educational dreams. Though apprehensive at the start of her program, as she continued, she developed strong study habits and displayed determination to succeed. She also became an active member of the student council and was known to help other students with their studies. She successfully completed Adult Basic Education ahead of schedule to obtain her high school equivalency and is currently enrolled in the Child and Youth Care Worker post-secondary program.
Karen Garnett – New Brunswick
Karen Garnett is dedicated to enhancing adult learning and literacy in New Brunswick. She is a successful and compassionate adult educator who advocates for her learners. She promotes the many programs and services available in her rural area of Carlingford. Karen has also secured funding for non-profit organizations and for special events for her learners to improve their literacy skills. Karen has motivated many learners to participate in and win a variety of writing competitions. Her dedication, love of her job, and love of those she teaches are all demonstrated in her work. It is evident that Karen is a friend and ally to her learners and will do whatever she can to ensure their success. She goes above and beyond to support her learners and colleagues at the Western Valley Adult Learning Association.
Doreen Sirois – New Brunswick
Doreen Sirois is a teacher specializing in sign language. Her sign language literacy class is the focus of the Tournesol adapted learning centre in Edmundston. Her learners have a program adapted to their hearing barriers. Her great accomplishment is to have completed her training, levels 1 to 9, in five years and passed the provincial sign language exam with a perfect mark. She was the second person in New Brunswick to be certified to give training. Doreen is very dedicated to her learners, passionate about her work, and a source of motivation for all. Her wish for people with one or more physical or psychological barriers is that they can be included in society while enjoying a better quality of life.
Liza Mandeville – Northwest Territories
Liza Mandeville is currently an adult learner student at Aurora College in Yellowknife. Liza has distinguished herself as a dedicated learner, with a joyous, persistent, and enthusiastic attitude who is open to new ways of doing things, sees mistakes as a learning opportunity, and always supports others to do their best. Liza grew up in the small town of Fort Resolution and has faced and surmounted many obstacles on her journey to academic success, including health issues, family tragedies, and financial struggles. She is a role model and an inspiration to her peers, and through hard work and perseverance she has achieved marks in the 80s in all her subjects. She will enter Grade 12 level courses in the fall.