Highlights of Provincial and Territorial Initiatives for Canada Water Week 2012
Alberta − Under Water for Life: Alberta's Strategy for Sustainability, the province remains committed to the sustainable management, protection and conservation of water. Tremendous progress has been made to date under the strategy, including recent advancements on conservation and efficiency plans from all major sectors.
British Columbia − British Columbia is developing a new Water Sustainability Act to better protect water resources, respond to current and future pressures on water and position the province as a leader in water stewardship. For more information on the proposed Act, visit
Manitoba − Manitoba will commemorate Canada Water Week and World Water Day through two multi-stakeholder events: Manitoba’s Department of Conservation and Water Stewardship will announce the official dates for a Surface Water Management Strategy Summit; and the Manitoba Water Council will host two documentary film showing and panel discussion events throughout Manitoba.
New Brunswick − New Brunswick is focusing on increased awareness of water issues and initiatives by featuring a comprehensive website dedicated to water. This website includes information on water conservation and drinking water, and interactive water resources for kids. Visit the website at:
Newfoundland and Labrador − Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Environment and Conservation will host a three day workshop, aimed at water system operators, municipal administrators and elected officials, to highlight the importance of clean and safe drinking water.
Northwest Territories − Federal and territorial governments are partnering with the Pembina Institute, Ecology North, CPAWS-NWT and Light Adventures to organize a series of activities for all ages promoting water stewardship. Events will be held in six different communities, spanning four regions, and include curriculum material development, a talk on groundwater, and the 2nd Annual Winter Water Wonderland at the Snow Castle in Yellowknife.
Nova Scotia – Nova Scotia is releasing a Water Strategy Progress Report, highlighting achievements in the first year since the release of Water for Life: Nova Scotia's Water Resources Management Strategy. For more information, see .
Nunavut − Nunavut is hosting activities related to the territory’s wastewater research study and gathering information to help improve current practices of water treatment in the North. A new Canada Water Week poster with a northern theme is being displayed in all of Nunavut’s communities.
Ontario − Ontario is participating in the WaterSense® program that provides water efficiency labeling on products such as showerheads, faucets and toilets. The WaterSense® label lets consumers know they are buying products tested and proven to use 20 per cent less water, making it easier for Ontarians to make green choices every day.
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