Canada’s Premiers Announce 2019 Literacy Award Recipients
OTTAWA, ON, September 6, 2019 – Canada’s Premiers today announced the recipients of the 15th annual Council of the Federation Literacy Award. Presented in each province and territory, the Award celebrates outstanding achievement, innovative practice and excellence in literacy. The recipients of the 2019 Council of the Federation Literacy Award are:
Project Adult Literacy Society (P.A.L.S.) – Alberta
Morie Ford – British Columbia
Elvis McKay – Manitoba
Gladys Pardy – Newfoundland and Labrador
Karen Garnett – New Brunswick
Doreen Sirois – New Brunswick
Liza Mandeville – Northwest Territories
Danita Curwin – Nova Scotia
Monica Ittusardjuat – Nunavut
Katharina Peters – Ontario
Andrew Harbord – Prince Edward Island
Camille Kamapeu Kpan – Québec
LaVera Schiele – Saskatchewan
Ted Ackerman and Louie Smith – Yukon
“On behalf of all of Canada’s Premiers, I am pleased to congratulate the 2019 recipients of the Council of the Federation Literacy Award,” said Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan and Chair of the Council of the Federation. “These individuals and organizations have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to literacy and their achievements are truly deserving of recognition.”
Premiers recognize how important literacy is to every Canadian’s ability to participate as a full and active citizen in all areas of society. Created in 2004, the Award celebrates adult learners who undertake literacy training, as well as the valuable contributions made by Canadians in the field of literacy, including family, Indigenous, health, workplace, and community literacy. The Award is presented to learners, educators, volunteers, community organizations, and businesses in each province and territory.
Each Award recipient receives a certificate, signed by the Premier of their province or territory, as well as a Council of the Federation Literacy Award medallion.
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