2011 Council of the Federation Summer Meeting to be held in British Columbia

2011 Council of the Federation Summer Meeting to be held in British Columbia

WINNIPEG, August 6, 2010 – British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell announced today that British Columbia will host the 2011 Summer Meeting of the Council of the Federation.

“I thank Premier Selinger for hosting the meeting this year and look forward to welcoming my fellow Premiers and their delegations at the next annual Council of the Federation meeting,” said Premier Campbell.

Premier Campbell thanked Premiers for their unfailing support from the outset for 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games and looks forward to build on this spirit at next year’s meeting. The 2011 Council of the Federation Meeting will focus on a forward-looking agenda built on Asia-Pacific opportunities.

The Council of the Federation Summer Meeting will be held in British Columbia on July 20-22, 2011. The annual meeting is held on a rotational basis.

The Council of the Federation was created in December 2003 to promote interprovincial territorial cooperation and closer ties between members, foster meaningful relations between governments based on respect for the Constitution and recognition of the diversity within the federation, and show leadership on issues important to all Canadians.

For more information, visit www.councilofthefederation.ca

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For more information:

Bridgitte Anderson
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier Government of British Colombia
604 307-7177